Upcoming Events
PDX Car Culture attempts to verify and update all event info listed. It never hurts to check with the event promoter before heading out. Please contact PDX Car Culture with any changes or with events not yet listed.
Get ready its gonna be amazing.
Two Lane Black Top remake anyone?
Holiday party at the American Legion. Club supplies multiple turkeys & ham and members bring a plethora of side dishes to make this wonderful pot luck feast! Along with a fun gift exchange after dinner!
Come slay a turkey. Ok, it is a "paper" target turkey. So, it is both carnivore and vegan friendly for all our members.
Estacada Rod and Gun Club
Halloween costume party, prizes, alcohol, and soda.
Always a scary good time.
Cruise the Gorge
Goat Herd car gathering of the year with after party BBQ
Next Level Pinball Museum
It is one of the world’s largest arcades with over 400+ games on free play!!
Cutsforth's Market Cruise-in by the Park.
They know the Best of the Best Cars!
3 day gathering of Pontiacs
along the beautiful Columbia River .
A Sanctioned GTOAA Meet
This is the ORIGINAL Portland Swap Meet held at the Portland Metropolitan Exposition Center. Many Goatherders buy and sell at this event.
Jim Wangers the "Godfather of the GTO" signing a trunk lid at the 2016 GTOAA Nationals
In the Spring, before car season, we camp, drink, eat and burn stuff in preparation for summer burnouts!